Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Willow is 1!

Willow is 1 and the portrait session was a blast!  She is MUCH more mobile than she was a few months ago.  I love a challenge!
She just gets cuter and cuter!

High School Musical!

I enjoyed a little theater on Friday night.  I went to my niece's high school play (Lincoln High School).  It was Guys N Dolls.  Very nice job by the entire cast!

Luke Turns 2!

I had the privilege of photographing Luke last year for his 1st birthday so I was thrilled to see him again this year for his 2nd!  No terrible two's for this guy.  He is an absolute doll!

 Luke LOVED it when his Daddy turned him upside down!

I'm Back!

I've been away for a little while.  The fall season was completely booked with daycare/preschool pictures.  Lots of fun working with all of the little kids!  Now I can enjoy some studio work (and maybe even some time off) as we move through the holidays!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

9 Months is Fun!

Monday was Willow's 9 month portrait session.  Too much fun!!
She is so gorgeous and fun.  I loved it!  Here are a few of the images from
the session:

Monday, September 13, 2010

Zach's Senior Portrait Session

I had two great senior portrait sessions with Zach.  One was in Traverse City on the beach and the other was a few days later in the studio.

Here are a few of the images....

Monday, August 2, 2010

Todd's Senior Portrait Session

I had the pleasure of working with Todd last week for his senior portraits.  He was a great guy with a great smile!  I had an awesome time with him and his mom.  Here are a few images from his session.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Sarah's Senior Session

I had the pleasure of doing Sarah's senior portraits today.

She is just gorgeous!  It was sticky outside, but we got some great shots!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Cute Baby Session!

This morning I had the distinct pleasure of photographing Willow. She is ADORABLE!!  She was cute as a button and VERY patient through multiple wardrobe changes. 

These are just a few of the fun pix that I captured.

I loved this session.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Fun Shoot

I had a great time Saturday photographing two of my favorite subjects, Evie and Lilly.  They had a great time playing with the puppy and I had a ball photographing them.  I was photographing them for my new "Kids Say the Darndest Things" books.  They have a ton of personality so it was a fun session.  Here are a few of the fun images that I captured...

Monday, April 5, 2010

New Family Member

We adopted a new family member last week.  Her name is Maggie and she has brought a TON of life and fun to our house.  Maggie is 9 month old border collie mix that was rescued by a group called Waggin Tales Dog Rescue.  I'm sure that there are MANY more pictures to come!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Girly Portraits

I had a photo session recently with Ellora.  Isn't she adorable? We got some really cute shots.  I even got a couple of her older brother Caden.